Kids Ministry

Welcome to kids ministry at Southern Hills! We are a group of families committed to teaching our children about the love of Christ and empowering families to live out their faith in their homes and communities.
Join us for children’s worship during our 10:45 worship service on Sundays! Nursery is provided for children ages infant-4 years old, and children’s worship is available for children ages 5-11. Children will experience a weekly Bible lesson, Scripture memory, games, crafts, and a loving church community committed to their spiritual growth!
Our kids ministry team also offers events throughout the years for kids and families. To be added to the parent email list, please email Hannah James at
Click here to see all of our upcoming winter and spring events.
All adults serving in kids ministry abide by Safe Sanctuary regulations and background checks as mandated by the United Methodist Church. You can learn more about Safe Sanctuaries by clicking the link below.