The below information is available to help inform and further conversations regarding the discernment process for Southern Hills United Methodist Church as we look ahead to the next General Conference in 2024. You will find a video from Pastor Jim, some helpful slides, and a discernment workbook. If you are interested in reading further, we have included a list of several book titles below. No one book should be seen as an endorsement or official stance of the pastors or leadership at Southern Hills. These books are the same books Pastor Jim is reading to be more fully engaged in dialogue.
*People to be Loved by Preston Sprinkle
*Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say by Preston Sprinkle
*God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vine
*Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Perry Hill
*Living in a Gray World: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Preston Sprinkle