Looking Forward to Worship
This spring has looked so much different for life in the church than we could have ever imagined. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many things, including how to be creative and adaptive in using technology and online resources to stay connected to our church family. While we are thankful we have been able to do that, we have also deeply missed having the opportunity to worship together in the same space on Sunday mornings. As businesses, restaurants, and other churches begin to open back up, our staff has carefully thought and prayed about how to best proceed in a way that is both safe and also allows us to gather again in a timely manner.
Taking government and UMC guidelines into consideration along with the needs of our congregation, we are tentatively scheduled to begin holding in-person worship services at a reduced seating capacity of 100 people per service on Sunday, June 21st, at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. We know that some people will be ready to return to church right away, and we know many are far from ready or have health conditions that will prevent them from being able to safely return that early.
We understand the variety of feelings our church family will have surrounding this matter, and as always, we want to encourage you to do what is best for you and your health and your family. We don’t want to place pressure on anyone to attend just because the doors will be opened. We will continue to livestream our 10:45 service so those of us who are not ready or comfortable to be at the church in person can continue to join us online, and again, we encourage you to do so if you are at all hesitant or uncomfortable being in the church building.
For those who would like to attend Sunday services in the church sanctuary, we want to make sure we are being transparent about how we are preparing, what guidelines we need to follow, and our procedures for how things will operate once we return to in-person worship. Please read over this document and familiarize yourself with our guidelines. Be sure to continue watching for updates via our website, the Southern Hills United Methodist Facebook page, and via our church emails. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding resuming in-person worship.
Pre-Worship To-do List

Required During Worship

Pew Organization

How We Are Preparing
We are taking care to follow the safety guidelines recommended by Kentucky’s governor as well as the Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church. In doing so, we are preparing for our return to in-person worship in the following ways:
– We have removed our pew cushions, hymnals, Bibles, and all other high-touch materials from our sanctuary.
– We will be sanitizing all pews and used surfaces before and after each service.
– We will continue to have a small ensemble lead worship rather than a full choir, and the bell choir area will be relocated so that the ensemble leading worship can be further distanced from those sitting in the pews.
– We will be using only one entrance into the building, the door by the office. The doors in the sanctuary will be exit only.
– We will limit the number of people in the sanctuary to 100 people at a time, and families will be seated at least 6 feet apart from one another using the marked-off areas of the pews.
– Those who have registered for service will be checked in and counted at the entrance to ensure we abide by our reduced seating capacity.
– Herren Hall will be set up for a small amount of overflow worshipers to view the service on a screen. Those seated in Herren Hall will be asked to maintain social distancing guidelines just as those in the sanctuary.
– Masks must be worn at all times by adults and children over the age of 5 who come to worship. We recommend you bring your own masks, but we will have some on hand for anyone who does not come with one.
– Monthly Holy Communion will be administered using individual, sealed servings of the elements. Elements will be available for pick up the week prior for those who do not attend in person.
– Hand sanitizer will be readily available at several stations inside the church building.
– Our Wee Worship space will be cleared of all materials other than a rocking chair, and we ask that only one family use it at a time if they need a space to soothe a child.
– We will initially be holding worship services only. There will be no child care, in-person education hour classes, youth group, or children’s ministry activities. We cannot offer donuts or a social time until a later phase.
– We ask that you do not shake hands, hug, or otherwise physically touch members of other households. Please maintain six feet of distance from everyone but your immediate household at all times.
– It is recommended that only one person or family use the restrooms at a time. We ask you to wipe down all touched areas after using the restroom (cleaning materials will be provided).
Reserve a Spot in Worship
Due to our limited seating capacity under the current guidelines, we are asking those who plan to attend worship to sign up prior to each week’s services. Signups will be available each Monday for the following Sunday via an online registration form, or you may call the church office at 859-277-6176 during regular business hours (M-TH 8:30-4:30, F 8:30-2:30) to check for availability and be added to the reservation list. In an effort to allow everyone the chance to attend their preferred service, we will not be accepting standing reservations from week to week, so please plan to sign up each week you plan to attend a service. Please include the names of each member of your party when you sign up, as our reservations will be used to check in those attending upon arrival.