Fellowship Meal
Wednesday evening activities which will start with a meal served from 5:30-6:15p.m. Following the meal there will be varied ministry opportunities available for children, youth and adults. Those options are listed below. Each week we will be taking reservations for a meal. The church is providing the meal , but donations are appreciated in order that the meals provided can be wholesome and appealing to all those who choose to attend.
Reservations will only be accepted until Tuesday noon before the dinner.
Please make your reservation early to help us plan more adequately.
Please mark your reservation on the pew pad, call the church office at 277-6176 or e-mail cstover@southernhillsumc.org
We begin our new Bible/ Book 12 week study using Ben Witherington’s book, The Gospel of John, on Wednesday, January 10 at 6:30 P.M.! Books are available at the sessions or at the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings for $12.
There will be just one group meeting on Wednesday night: Bill Moore and Eric Hughes will be team-teaching the group. We will be meeting in the Fireside Room. Childcare will be provided. Extra attraction: Wednesday Night Dinners will start this week! Youth and childrens’ activities will also begin. Here is the Schedule for the sessions:
Session 1- January 10- “Jesus Turns Water Into Wine and Clears the Temple Courts”, P. 1
Session 2- January17- “Jesus Teaches Nicodemus”, p. 16, Study starts at 7 because of Taize Service!
Session 3- January 24- “Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman”, p. 31
Session 4- January 31- “Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind, p. 45
Session 5- February 7- “The Good Shepherd and His Sheep”, p.61
February 14- No Study- Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30
Session 6- February 21- “Lazarus Raised from the Dead”, p. 74, Study starts at 7 because of Taize Service!
Session 7- February 28- “Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem”, p. 89
Session 8- March 7- “The Last Supper”, p.104
Session 9- March 14- “Farewell Discourse”, p. 120
Session 10- March 21- “The Death of Jesus”, p. 135, Study starts at 7 because of Taize Service!
Session 11- March 28- “Jesus’ Resurrection and Appearances”, p.153
April 4- No Study- Fayette County Schools Spring Break
Session 12- April 11- “Jesus’ Appearance by the Sea of Galilee”, p.168