All About Southern Hills UMC

Southern Hills is a multigenerational community, full of the presence and power of God, where all are loved. We strive to be a warm fellowship of believers seeking to be Christ’s hands and feet in our community. We earnestly endeavor to answer the call to discipleship by growing in our own faith while reaching out to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. The nurturing of children inside and outside our walls, aiding those in need, and sharing the gospel in our words and deeds are central to our mission of serving Christ’s kingdom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the worldwide United Methodist Church family, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about our beliefs, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking available?

Each of the three parking areas surrounding the church includes marked handicapped spots, visitor spots, and senior citizens spots.

Entrance 1 leads you, with several stairs down, including handrail and sidewalk, to the rear left side doors to the sanctuary.

Entrance 2, the main entrance, leads to the sanctuary as well. It has a covered portico entrance with ramp, for easy drop offs and pickups. There are handicapped entry buttons to press to open the far left doors. This entrance is closest to the rear center right doors to the sanctuary, as well as the church offices, Welcome Center, children’s nursery, choir room, and restrooms.

Entrance 3 leads to Herren Hall, for large gatherings, the Courtyard Room, for smaller groups, and the church kitchen.

Entrance 4, with handicapped entry buttons, opens into the Education Wing, as well as the Southern Hills Early Childhood Program (SHECP), church library, prayer chapel, Fireside Room, and Youth Wing.

Entrance 5 leads to the Activities Building (with handicapped entry buttons), includes the gym for pickleball and basketball, meeting space with attached kitchen, and restrooms.

What should I expect?

Southern Hills United Methodist Church is a warm fellowship of believers that seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. We earnestly endeavor to answer the call to discipleship by growing in our own faith while reaching out to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. The nurturing of children inside and outside our walls, aiding those who are in times of need, and sharing the gospel in our words and deeds are central to our mission of serving Christ’s kingdom.

What should I wear?

Southern Hills is a welcoming community. You are welcome, whether you choose to wear jeans and T-shirt, shorts, slacks, a dress or skirt, or shirt and tie.

Are there Sunday School classes?

We have several adult Sunday School classes, but are open to starting other ongoing and short-term class offerings.

The Bible Apps Class is a group of 14 to 15 SHUMC members who meet to study the Bible (Old & New Testaments as well as Bible-centered topical books) on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Prayer Chapel and online. We call ourselves the Bible Apps Class because we try to apply Biblical principles to our lives and we believe in taking advantage of modern technology to help us do so. For example, many of us use the YouVersion Bible application (app) on our cell phones to enable us to have access to scripture whenever and wherever we are. We are open to everyone expressing their sincere thoughts and beliefs concerning the Bible, and our faith in general, without judgement from the rest of the class. Doubts in faith, for example, are discussed openly and sometimes resolved (or likely resolved in God’s time!). We believe that being focused on the Bible strengthens our Christian foundation and helps us to withstand all kinds of pressures that come our way.

Friends in Faith We are a Sunday School class for those who want to grow deeper in the Word of God. We usually inductively study a Book of the Bible but have also joined in with church wide studies and books we think might help our knowledge of the Bible. Our odd time, 9:00-9:55 a.m. enables those with different schedules such as the choir to join in a Sunday School class. This class meets in the prayer chapel.


Bible Diggers The Bible Diggers class was started in 2002. The class continues to grow. We are led by Rick Shaw, Beth Miller, and Ed Pavlik. We are a group set by practices, relationships and commitments that is inspired by the Spirit for the sake of our wholeness to Christ. We meet each Sunday in the Fireside Room at 9:30 a.m. Please visit the class one time to see if you would like to continue. If you can’t get to church, you can join us on streaming through Zoom.


Raising Disciples We are an adult small group of various ages and seasons of life, seeking the presence and power of God where all are welcome. Through an interactive format, we explore scripture and teaching in accordance with our Wesleyan faith heritage. We experience community as we pray for one another and support one another in our faith journey outside of class. Practicing the various spiritual disciplines as apprentices of Christ is encouraged and celebrated. The class meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in Room 205, upper-level Education Wing.

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery?

Yes, we have both Children’s Church and nursery.

Children’s Church for ages 4yrs to 3rd grade, starts in the 10:45 a.m. Sunday worship service and after the children’s message, the children go to the worship space with the leaders to the 2nd floor worship space, accessible by the elevator across from the choir room and stay until the end of the service. To get to the worship space please follow signs outside the sanctuary to the elevator and take to 2nd floor.

Nursery is for 6 weeks – 4yrs and is on the first floor. Follow the signs outside the sanctuary and down the hall to the first left and go to the end of the hall toward outside doors to the last room to the second on the left.

In addition there is a young children’s play area at the rear of the sanctuary for babies, toddlers, young children, and their parents, available during the 8:45 and 10:45 a.m. worship services.

Is the church available for events, weddings and funerals?

Yes, the church is available for events which can be booked through the church office 859-277-6176. In addition, weddings can be held in the sanctuary, chapel, or garden. Please follow link to the wedding brochure. Funerals can be held in the sanctuary or chapel. Please contact the church office to make arrangements. 859-277-6176.

How do I join the church?

Question:  I’ve attended as a guest for a while, and I would like Southern Hills to be my permanent church home.  What are my next steps?

Becoming part of our community of faith begins with talking to one of our pastors:  Joan Wooden, our ordained deacon, Parker Outman, our assistant pastor, or John Hatton, our lead pastor. Any one of our pastors will be able to share more about our church, our beliefs, our ministries as well as answer your questions.  Above all, one of our ministers will work with you in your faith and help you grow as a disciple of Jesus.  You may make an appointment to meet with one of the pastors by calling the church office 859-277-6176 or by email to

Joan Wooden,

Parker Outman,

or John Hatton