Groups at Southern Hills

Sunday School Groups

Friends in Faith

A Sunday school for those who want to grow deeper in the Word of God. We usually inductively study a Book of the Bible but have also joined in with church-wide studies and books we think might help our knowledge of the Bible.

Our odd time 9:00-9:55 enables those with different schedules such as the choir to join in a Sunday School class.

Bible Diggers

The Bible Diggers class was started in 2002. The class continues to grow. We are lead by Rick Shaw, Beth Miller and Ed Pavlik. We are a group set by practices, relationships and commitments that is inspired by the Spirit for the sake of our wholeness to Christ. We meet each Sunday in the Fireside Room at 9:30 am. Please visit the class one time to see if you would like to continue. If you can’t get to Church, you can join us on streaming through Zoom.

Bible Apps: Foundations Of Our Faith:

9:30 a.m. Sundays, Prayer Chapel

A class focuses on applying biblical concepts, principles, and instructions to daily life. Bring your favorite study Bible and your questions. Leader is Dr. Bob Durborow.

Raising Disciples

Sundays at 9:30am, room 205

Maybe you long for a more intimate prayer life or deeper insight from God’s Word but just don’t know how to get there. Or maybe you want to learn about spiritual disciplines that are new to you! In the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, we will continue our journey toward intimacy with Christ…a transformation only Christ can bring. As people who are raising and influencing the youngest members of our faith, we will also discuss how we can introduce and practice these spiritual disciplines with our children, grandchildren, and other young people who may be a part of our lives. Join us upstairs on Sunday mornings!


Fellowship Groups

United Methodist Men

The men of Southern Hills meet the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Courtyard Room for dinner and fellowship. Program speakers cover a wide range of current interest topics from sports to economics. They also have special meetings with their wives at Christmas and Valentine Day. Each year at Christmas they sponsor the Myron Beal Toy Project and take gifts and coats to Big Creek in Clay County, Kentucky.

United Women in Faith (Formerly UMW)

The United Methodist Women is an international organization with over one million members. At Southern Hills we operate as an umbrella organization for four circles. We foster fellowship among women of all ages and attempt to educate members on local, national and worldwide missions. We earn funds for national and worldwide missions through pledges. We donate to local charities through our fund-raisers. We sponsor activities for women of the church and are currently sponsoring some activities for the whole church. One of the first activities we sponsor each year is the Lenten Quiet Meal. The meal is held on a Wednesday evening prior to Easter. On the first Wednesday of May, the UMW has a dinner honoring the graduating senior girls of Southern Hills Church. The first Wednesday of December marks our Christmas dinner. All three events are for all women of the church. We are avid participants in the United Methodist Reading Program and have had discussion group meeting on selected Sunday afternoons to savor certain books that were widely read. This is open to all women of the church. “The Purpose of the United Methodist Women of Southern Hills is to be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive, fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”

United Women in Faith Circles

Meade Shotwell Circle

Meade Shotwell Circle meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of every month. We are your go-to “Zoom Circle” if you are out of town, can’t meet in person, or just want to pop in. All are welcome to join any or all Zoom meetings! For the link, contact Lynn Osborne. We are a group of women of varying ages and backgrounds who have grown together through love and friendship. You will find us busy at work in all areas of the church, including collecting books and school supplies, helping out with Music Camp or Fall Festival, and supporting all UMW activities. Our donations support several organizations each year, including Common Good, The Nest, Books for Children, and the Methodist Home for Children. We participate in UMW Unit leadership and projects. 

New Life Circle

Meets the second Thursday of the month at 1:00p.m. in the Fireside Room.  We are a group of ladies who have supportive fellowship along with a desire to help others.  A main focus is visiting “Hug Buddies “; church members who are in an assisted living facility or in skilled nursing, shut in at home, recovering from surgery, or just needs some encouragement.  We also deliver bud vases made from the Sunday’s arrangement.  Monthly cards are sent to all Hug Buddies including those who don’t need visits.  The UK Wesley Foundation is provided with a meal by us in the fall and spring.  We give birthday gifts for children in One Parent Scholar House, an organization that helps single parents pursue post-high school continuing education by providing affordable housing and on-site childcare.  The Nest, Methodist Children’s Home, and UWF projects are supported by us.  We welcome anyone who should like to join us!

Sarah Bagby Circle

The Sarah Bagby Circle meets at 12 noon the second Wednesday of each month in the Fireside Room and by zoom. We have a variety of programs with speakers from our church staff and community organizations. Twice a year we go out to lunch to celebrate birthdays and holidays. We promote Christian love through our activities within the circle, our unit, and the church, as well as outreach projects. Using the UWF Prayer Guide, we pray for our Methodist missionaries. We also have Prayer Partners within our circle. We welcome guests and new members who are interested in helping make a difference in ministry with women and children. Our Circle is named in honor of Sarah Frances Bagby, wife of Rev. Steadman Bagby.

Outreach Groups

AA and Al-Anon

Southern Hills United Methodist Church provides outreach ministry to our community by sharing our meeting rooms with Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm in the Activity Room.

Al-Anon hold three weekly meetings in the Activity Room: Wednesday at 7:30 pm; Friday at Noon; and Saturday at 11 am.

HUGS Prayer Shawl Ministry (Hands Under God’’s Spirit):

Our mission is to offer a prayer garment to those celebrating a triumph or challenge.  Examples of occasions may be infant baptisms (wash/burp cloths), wedding celebrations, new staff members, graduating high school seniors (scarves in their choice of school colors), a life-altering challenge or diagnosis, loss of a loved one, or any personal struggle.  Anyone can make a referral to us. A prayer shawl or blanket may be for a member or a friend of SHUMC, a neighbor, or a relative. Anyone who knits or crochets is welcome to join us or stop by our meetings for a visit.